TRINI – Shop Online for the Perfect Tile

2020 09 11

Selecting the right tile can be overwhelming since there are plenty of design patterns to choose from. Seeing the product in person can help decide what you’re interested in and visualize the space. But for some, visiting the showroom may not be possible, especially during these unforeseen times.

Trini Tile wanted to ensure everybody gets a chance to design their dream home with the perfect tile. Our team recently created “Shop Tiles” which lets customers search the type of tile, size, and colour online.

This virtual option is a great solution for anybody who needs to spruce up their living space without leaving it. You can access all of our products and services with a click of a button. “Shop Tiles” also provides the photo and the dimensions of the tile you’re interested in, so you will know exactly what you’re getting with your purchase.

There are many perks that come from ordering online; here are just a few of them:

  • Shopping for tiles requires your undivided attention and can take up some time. This way, you are getting everything done on your own schedule and in the comfort of your own home.
  • If you are planning to refurbish a small or large area in your house—whether it’s a bathroom, living room, or kitchen—you need to match the theme with your tiles. Shopping online, you can simply walk over to the area and compare using your desktop or mobile.
  • Using the tabs, you are able to customize the available options without the back and forth.

Our aim as a tile company is to adapt to the new world, which includes using innovative tools and applications to connect with our customers everywhere. Our success during this transition has been remarkable and we want to continue to serve our customers in the highest manner. 

Please note that although Trini Tile has added this online feature, our team of experts is always available in-store to answer any question, concerns, or inquiries regarding your tile needs.

Contact Trini Tile via phone or email at 905.532.9123|[email protected]. If you would like to check our previous work, visit our website or follow us on Instagram @trinitile


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